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Ophthalmic Microscope

An ophthalmic microscope is an optical device, the main features of which are a wide field-of-view and optimal indices of the depth of field. The device can provide possibility of phased or smooth zooming. This equipment is indispensable for: conducting of surgical interventions for vision correction. The microscope for surgery is primarily used for ophthalmic eye surgery and examination by ophthalmologists. It is designed to provide high contrast and detailed imaging of all regions of the human eye. Ophthalmic microscope provides the surgeon with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of the small ophthalmic structures.
Product Image (01)

Zeiss OPMI VISU 150 on S7 Ophthalmic Microscope Stand

Price: 1600000 INR/Unit
  • Operate Method:Electric
  • Product Type:Ophthalmic Microscope Stand
  • Application:Hospital
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (02)

Zeiss OPMI 6S FC on S3-S4 Ophthalmic Microscope Stand

Price: 800000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Operate Method:Electric
  • Product Type:Ophthalmic Microscope Stand
  • Application:Hospital