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IABP Machine

We are offering here the IABP machine that is a intra-aortic counter pulsation device. The balloon is inflated during diastole to increase coronary perfusion and then deflated during systole to decrease after load. This aims to improve myocardial oxygenation, increase cardiac output and organ perfusion with a reduction in left ventricular workload. It is a mechanical device that helps the heart pump blood. This device is inserted into the aorta, the body's largest artery. It is a long, thin tube called a catheter with a balloon on the end of it. The IABP machine is made for use in medical places. 
Product Image (01)

CS300 IABP MAQUET Datascope

Price: 1150000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Application:Hospital
  • Product Type:CS300 IABP MAQUET Datascope
Product Image (02)

Arrow Acat 2 Wave Intra Aortic Balloon Pump

Price: 550000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Product Type:Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
  • Application:Hospital etc.