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Pulse Oximeter

High quality pulse oximeter is offered by us that is a painless, noninvasive method of measuring the saturation of oxygen in a persons blood. Pulse oximetry is a test used to measure the oxygen level (oxygen saturation) of the blood. It is an easy, painless measure of how well oxygen is being sent to parts of the body furthest from heart, such as the arms and legs. Pulse oximetry may be used to see if there is enough oxygen in the blood. The pulse Oximeter is made available in various types. 
Product Image (01)

N-600X Nellcor Pulse Oximeter

Price: 20000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Display:Touch Screen
  • Power Source:Electric
  • Alarm:Audio
Product Image (02)

Masimo Radical 7 Pulse Oximeter

Price: 24000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Display:Touch Screen
  • Power Source:Electric