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Heart Lung Machine

A heart lung machine is an apparatus that does the work both of the heart (i.e., pumps blood) and the lungs (i.e., oxygenates the blood) during, for example, open-heart surgery. The basic function of the machine is to oxygenate the body's venous supply of blood and then to pump it back into the arterial system. Blood returning to the heart is diverted through the machine before returning it to the arterial circulation. It also provides intracardiac suction, filtration, and temperature control. The heart lung machine is a system which takes over the function of the heart and the lungs with sufficient safety to maintain life. 
Product Image (02)

8000 Terumo Sarns Modular Perfusion System

Price: 1800000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Supply Ability:1 Per Month
  • Application:Hospital etc.
  • Product Type:8000 Terumo Sarns Modular Perfusion System
Product Image (03)

MAQUET Jostra HL 20 Heart Lung Machine

Price: 2200000 INR/Unit
  • Application:Hospital etc.
  • Product Type:MAQUET Jostra HL 20 Heart Lung Machine
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
Product Image (01)

Terumo Sarns System 1 Heart Lung Machine

Price: 2800000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Product Type:Heart Lung Machine
  • Application:Hospital etc.
Product Image (05)

Stockert SIII Encore Heart Lung Machine

Price: 1500000 INR/Unit
  • Delivery Time:1 Week
  • Product Type:Stockert SIII Encore Heart Lung Machine
  • Application:Hospital etc.